
In today's world, access to sustainable and efficient energy solutions remains a significant challenge, particularly in remote homesteads and developing regions. 

Conventional energy systems rely heavily on non-renewable resources, which contribute to environmental degradation and are often impractical in isolated areas.

Consequently, the lack of efficient cooling and refrigeration technology poses a severe risk, not only to food security and health, but just as importantly, to the economic viability of development in a remote location. 

The need for green, efficient, and versatile energy solutions is more critical than ever, especially as global temperatures rise and environmental concerns become more pressing.


The Sterling Energy Converter harnesses solar thermal energy to address critical energy and environmental challenges, especially in remote areas. The Sterling Energy Converter is an adaptation of the Rankine cycle which is a more cost-efficient process for converting ambient solar energy and waste heat DIRECTLY into refrigeration, air conditioning, and electricity. It's patented innovative technology uses solar thermal collectors to convert the sun’s rays into heat. The steamy temperatures drive a condensation process which extracts water vapor from the air to produce water. This newly formed water is subsequently frozen into ice, providing a reliable source for refrigeration and air conditioning without any external power sources or harmful emissions.

Simultaneously, the Sterling Energy Converter converts heat energy into power using temperature differences of only 100ºF to create electricity. It does all of this without burning anything, nor does it create pollution or by-products. It is the biggest step toward creating a Clean Energy Economy since 1850.

Market Opportunity

The global market for solar freezers, a key component of the off-grid refrigeration sector, is projected to reach approximately $15.6 billion by 2032​ (IMARC)​.

U.S. Focus: While specific U.S. data is limited, the increasing interest in renewable energy and sustainable solutions indicates a growing market for off-grid refrigeration and air conditioning products.

Market Drivers: The growth is driven by increased demand for energy-efficient appliances, advancements in renewable energy technology, and heightened awareness of sustainable living practices. Government incentives and a shift towards off-grid and hybrid systems in both residential and commercial sectors also contribute to this trend.

Target Audience:

Primary Customers

Residential Users:
Individuals and families living in remote or rural areas, focusing on sustainability and energy independence.

Commercial Enterprises:
Businesses such as small restaurants, medical facilities in off-grid locations, and tourism operators who require reliable refrigeration off the grid.

High value on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints.

Seek reliable and efficient solutions that align with energy independence goals.

Often located in areas with limited or unreliable electricity access, necessitating robust and versatile refrigeration solutions.


The Sterling Energy Converter harnesses solar thermal energy to power a condensation process that extracts water vapor from the air. This newly formed water is subsequently frozen into ice, providing a reliable source for refrigeration and air conditioning without any external power sources or harmful emissions.

This new and innovative method is the next step in the evolution of the current Rankine cycle which is widely used today. The technology was granted worldwide patents in 200_.

Furthermore, this technology has been verified by NASA scientists at SATOP (Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program).

Solar thermal energy is more productive

This application of solar energy is light years beyond the use of solar energy to solely heat bath water, swimming pools or residential structures.

Air Conditioning

The Sterling Energy System does not require any externally provided power source. It is a non-combustion process. It is NOT a Stirling engine (spelled differently), and it is NOT an absorption refrigeration technology.

Our Technology

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Our History and Mission

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PV photovoltaics lack  longevity

Photovoltaics are increasingly available for the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity. But they can't make refrigeration or air conditioning directly, nor can they do it efficiently. They require rare and exotic materials, they are NOT recyclable, and they degrade relatively quickly, in contrast to flat plate solar thermal collectors which can work and last indefinitely.


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 Applications include:

Photovoltaics are increasingly available for the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity. But they can't make refrigeration or air conditioning directly, nor can they do it efficiently. They require rare and exotic materials, they are NOT recyclable, and they degrade relatively quickly, in contrast to flat plate solar thermal collectors which can work and last indefinitely.

Off-Grid Application


  • Refrigeration for storage of food and medicines; air conditioning; atmospheric water harvesting.
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Most Popular

Harvesting Rooftop Solar Energy

  • Capturing solar energy from more than 3,000 square miles of rooftops across the US, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. That's 10 gigawatt hours per day.
  • Ante nec venenatis etiam lacinia.
  • Porta suscipit netus ad ac.

Recycling of Industrial Waste Heat

  • Recovering otherwise lost energy from high-temperature production processes, such as metals processing and combustion-based electricity generation, about half of all industrial energy used. 119279 gigawatts alone are used to make cement. Sterling converters can recycle that heat to produce almost 5,000 gigawatts of electricity, or 1.4 billion tons of refrigeration.
  • Ante nec venenatis etiam lacinia.
  • Porta suscipit netus ad ac.
  • Morbi praesent aptent integer.

The Sterling Cycle Converts Low-grade Heat into Refrigeration or Electricity.

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